The 5 Mistakes UHNW People Do With Their Estate Planning

The 5 Mistakes UHNW People Do With Their Estate Planning

Estate planning is a critical aspect of wealth management, especially for ultra-high-net-worth (UHNW) individuals. However, even the wealthiest among us can fall prey to common pitfalls. As a wealth psychologist, I have seen how these mistakes can lead to unnecessary...
Dr. Lami’s Guide: Nurturing the Next Generation of Wealth Stewards

Dr. Lami’s Guide: Nurturing the Next Generation of Wealth Stewards

As a wealth psychologist, I have had the privilege of working with numerous families in their quest to nurture a financially aware, responsible, and empowered next generation. Guiding the successors of family wealth is as much about preparing them to manage the...
Bridging Generational Gaps: The Role of Wealth Psychology in Family Businesses

Bridging Generational Gaps: The Role of Wealth Psychology in Family Businesses

In the grand tapestry of human life, wealth—its accumulation, preservation, and most importantly, its transfer—has played a pivotal role in shaping family dynamics, particularly in the realm of family businesses. Generational differences in perceptions and values can...