Estate Planning & Wealth Transfer Program

Do Not Let Your Estate Planning and Wealth Transfer Be a Disaster!

Estate planning is both a practical and emotional process and is key to successful wealth transfer. Prepare you and your loved ones with Dr Lami’s Estate Planning & Wealth Transfer Program.

70% of families fail to sustain their family wealth. 5% due to poor financial education and 95% due to poor planning, breakdown in communication and trust

wealth therapist

“…Our relationships improved, with your help we managed to put together a document that will guide and help next generations live healthier lives and not be negatively affected by their wealth.”

Your Estate Planning & Wealth Transfer Program

Curated by Dr Lami

Prepare Yourself and Avoid Painful Consequences!

Get This Program Before You Make an Appointment with Your Attorney.

We all know how relationships can be stressed and hurt when financial affairs go wrong. Sadly, the emotional aspects during the estate planning process are often pushed aside or overlooked, whereas they deserve as much attention as the legal and financial ones.

During my career I have often observed the harmful ramifications of poor estate planning on the success of transferring wealth to the next generations. I have seen too often its negative effect on beneficiaries’ wellbeing and relationships when the soft issues were not considered.

Successful estate planning is where assets are transferred smoothly and efficiently, with minimal disruption and loss. There are several key factors that can contribute to a successful wealth transfer: planning, communication, documentation, diversification, and professional guidance.

However, quite often, unresolved hidden emotions, behavioral patterns, and questions can hinder the estate planning process.

This program will help you gain clarity, understand and resolve questions you have about the soft aspects of estate planning & wealth transfer. Questions like:

  • Do I give too much or too little?
  • Do I give equally or fairly?
  • Do I let my children know about my plan?
  • At what age do I let them know and what do I say?


Do it now before it is too late.

Get my Estate Planning & Wealth Transfer program today and privately work with me to gain understanding, clarity, peace of mind and to help avoid harmful ramifications in the future.